So, I am sitting in my apartment, recently vacated by the woman I love and couldn't help but think of the term "Cold Feet".
I'm not sure exactly why there is a negative connotation with having feet that are cold. I happen to like having my feet out from under the sheets or blanket when I sleep at night. Generally they are cold when I do this, and I sleep like a baby.
I tried looking for images pertaining to "Cold Feet" and found a group of images where the bride is trying to grab the groom as he heads for the hills. This is a misnomer as I have recently found out...the opposite can happen as well. This type of imagery leads a bad taste in my mouth, especially now.
So, instead of trying to find imagery by someone else, I am posting a set of photos I made while at
Cranbrook Academy of Art, when my relationship was in full blossom, and trudging around our apartment making photographs, my feet were most definitely cold, and I was happy as I am when I sleep.

I seem to recall this work was critiqued as contrary to the work I had been doing in Flint, MI simultaneously. These photographs were of something being built not something that was crumbling and forgotten. I felt like this was an apt observation of this "side" project. In a way it seemed hopeful to me at the time, and with a couple of years hindsight, even now. The irony of course is that the stakes and column bolts were the foundation for cookie cutter architecture that defines suburbia. I like to think I caught the space when it was at it's most beautiful.